Parallel Courses
Leetcode #1136, "Medium" Parallel Courses
I'll use this Leetcode problem as an Example of how I approach setting up & debugging a Unit Test of a Leetcode Solution
I am still a bit of a Python newb so please bear with me.
How to set a Breakpoint & Debug, in VS Code
In VS Code, Here's a basic example setting a Breakpoint on Line 7 of the testing file (, then activating the Debugger, and then stepping into the program as it runs the test code with the arguments we test against:
self.assertEqual(instance_Solution.minimumSemesters(3, [[1,3],[2,3]]), 2)
- Function Argument inputs:
N = 3
relations = [[1,3],[2,3]]
- Outputs returned from the solution (in the ideal case of a correct solution)
the target returned value = 2
Brief video guide on how to set a breakpoint & debug a python script
...while unit testing, in the context of the following two example files: A unit test, and the script it tests
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Actually.. It looks like Google Drive might not like to have its videos embedded you can't see the embedded video below, here's the direct a link to the brief video guide
The UnitTest testfile
import unittest
from parallelCourses1136 import Solution
# If you notice "parallelCourses1136" above..
# parallelCourses1136 = filename of the Solution file (i.e. 1136 refers to the Leetcode problem number: It's Leetcode Problem #1136.
class TestSolution(unittest.TestCase):
# Note: in Python, at least with unittest, tests functions must begin with "test". Often people use "test_someFunction" by convention.
# Also be aware: Tests run in alphabetical order, so you may eventually need to name something test_a_someFn so that it runs betfore test_b_someFn.
def test_minimumSemesters(self):
instance_Solution = Solution()
# **** Set the Breakpoint on this next line: ****
self.assertEqual(instance_Solution.minimumSemesters(3, [[1,3],[2,3]]), 2)
if __name__ == '__main__':
The Solution file
Source: Code from the Editorial section of Leetcode problem # 1136: "Parallel Courses",
It's a problem involving Graph Theory (Topological Ordering, Directed Acyclic graphs) and Binary Search Trees (Depth or Breadth First Search sorting algorithms)
# Filename:
# This is the solution from the Leetcode Editorial.
# I copied it in order to run the VS Code Debugger on it, via the unittest breakpoint above. In this way, I could better understand how the arguments are acted upon by the program. The program assembles various data structures (e.g. dictionaries & arrays) as it goes about calculating and organizing data into the solution.
class Solution:
def minimumSemesters(self, N, relations):
graph = {i: [] for i in range(1, N + 1)}
in_count = {i: 0 for i in range(1, N + 1)} # or in-degree
for start_node, end_node in relations:
in_count[end_node] += 1
queue = []
# we use list here since we are not
# poping from front the this code
for node in graph:
if in_count[node] == 0:
step = 0
studied_count = 0
# start learning with BFS
while queue:
# start new semester
step += 1
next_queue = []
for node in queue:
studied_count += 1
end_nodes = graph[node]
for end_node in end_nodes:
in_count[end_node] -= 1
# if all prerequisite courses learned
if in_count[end_node] == 0:
queue = next_queue
return step if studied_count == N else -1